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Wessex offers landowners a highly attractive long-term Option and Lease package and cover, up to reasonable limits, all your legal costs. Landowners that choose to work with Wessex can expect to secure long-lasting benefits: 

  • Diversify, boost and spread your income away from farming to a revenue source based on a long-term lease which rises with inflation
  • Experience suggests the value of your land will increase
  • Maintain agricultural use through sheep farming once the land has been reseeded to your requirements
  • The solar farm on your land would be sensitively developed, screened from view with new planting and would also deliver green electricity to the local community
  • The solar farm will be removed at the end of the lease with the land restored to its original use

Landowners are welcome to contact us for a no obligation exploration call, where we can discuss a potential working relationship and answer any questions you might have. 

Get in touch now

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